This style is becoming to be mine most favorite and i am looking forward to next works in it
pátek 1. listopadu 2013
Saxes in Salin style II
This summer and early autumn i was working on a series of blades from Vendel period scandinavia. It was great opportunity to learn to work in one specific tradition and also explore variations in blades and techniques. This period of history shows both stunning artistic coherrence and technical variability. Lets see the pieces!
čtvrtek 4. července 2013
Fierce face!
The germanic art is my main inspiration and the area i am most used to work in. One particular motive seems to be attractive to me very strongly and thats the reason i wanted to look more into it. Its the wildman face, the fierce face or mask. I am not sure how it started, maybe as an inspiration from roman coins and medals germanic wariors were seeing in contact and service of Roman army. Sure thing is that you can see those en face portraits early on in oldest germanc styles. What interests me the most is the merging of the face to fit the environment and style of the entire piece. Bellow you can see the head plate of bow brooch in Nydam style. The head between those two beasts is very reminiscent of roman heads but you can also see how later Style I saucer and button brooches developed from that.
The Oseberg burial contained also a cart with human heads carved in contemporary art style. More realistic, but still bearing trance like expression and formal traits like spherical eyes and open mouth.
Fully developed ringerike mask motive as carved in the antler walking stick terminal (?). Even when the execution is very formalised and the style is very baroque, you can still see the Ultuna face in there.
Smaller version of face incorporated to a bronze buckle from gotland, easier to see common traits in here.
Finaly i attach some of my work utilising the motive. I hope you find the longevity of the motive fascinating and inspiring.
Nydam brooch, gilded silver. photo by Lukasz Dziubalski |
Next one is the example of fully developed Style II art on Ultuna boat burial spatha scabbard. While the Sytle II is very international one and spreads over the germanic dominated Europe, incorporating en face masks seems to be very scandinavian fashion. Note how moustache grows to be body of two headed serpent
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Ultuna scabbard detail. photo Lindsey Kerr |
Norwegian strap end in bronze shows a fierce face in late Borre style. Note that the basic features are the same, big, circle like eyes, connected brows and the ribbon like moustache.
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silver inlayed axe head inspired by Bamberg casket mounts |
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The guard of this sword is replica of the find from swedish Sigtuna. executed in moose antler. |
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Ringerike style mask ispired by the above mentioned walking stick |
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Transitional Mammen - Ringerike style knife handle of my own design. |
úterý 4. června 2013
Into the wilderness
Long overdue, here is the post about work i did for great customer of mine. While i deeply enjoy my historical based work, i must say that being allowed to express myself in free form of illustrative bladesmithing is great joy. We often strive to make legendary blades from myth and stories, but i find everyday items very attractive.
So here is Rangers set, packed to the way to unknown
So here is Rangers set, packed to the way to unknown
and Myles wrote excelent poem for me again:
Into the wilderness
Few nights have found me
by the fire in a hall,
a cup in my hand
and kinsmen nearby.
Far have I fared
through forests unknown
where sleep comes uneasy
as I stare in the dark.
Will I wake to the bite
of some beast in the night?
Or the calling of crows
on the cool morning air,
and dawn's bright glow
driving my fear?
I must trust my fate
to my fire and cover,
and when I wake
I will wander again
into the unknown,
into the wilderness.
pondělí 3. června 2013
Artifact from the present - Arctic fire 2013
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furnace pic by Jake Powning |
I had the most inspiring opportunity to attend the invitational hammerin in Alaska, hosted by Dave Stephens, Shane Harvey and Van Clifton. This years goal was to create an artifact as a collaboration of seven smith from around the globe. The quality of company was humbling and overwhelming - Owen Bush (UK), Jake Powning (Ca), Peter Johnsson (Sweden), J. A. Loose, Michael Pikula, and Dave Stephens (USA) and me.
Long time before the planes took us to Anchorage we decided on design and process. I was wondering how this cat herding experience will go, but everything went smooth in that aspect. I think its because the great respect we feel towards each other as maker and personality.
When we arrived we built the smelter from sand, clay, manure and hay and started a smelt. Owen was responsible for smelting material for our blade and it was great learning experience to watch him work. Calm, proffessional and pleasant approach. Also, big succes of bloom, steel, very compact and nice to forge.
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furnace pic by Jake Powning |
Meanwhile, hilt team (me and Jake) started to work on handle components and also on fittings for scabbard. Jake carved the waxes for guards, ferrules and peen block, i carved the antler parts. Bellow you can see the scabbard slider i carved with almandines and moonstone set in silver bezels by Yul.
Unfortunately casting went bit south, but fortunately, the parts that survived were just enough to go with one of previous design options. We agreed later that it might even been beneficial for the outcome. So i had to carve another two bits, central ring bead for grip and vesica shaped pommel. Yul set stones in both of these pieces.
In this time, Peter Johnsson, who was also supervising all project had his venier scabbard glued, shaped, lined with felt and covered with leather. The assembly part was about to be done.
Here you can see blade mounted with hilt and slider for scabbard.
And we did it! Pictures of finished piece can barely show you the immense energy in this huge dagger, but you can feel part of it.
the best thing - it can be yours! All you have to do is solve the riddle
Whats the name of the blade and Where in the world its hidden?
for more information about the rules, chect project website
I have to say i learned a lot from all artisans who were there. Even if it may not look so between all laughter and pranks, i had a very spiritual experience. I am sure my work will be better now. I am happy that i had opportunity to contribute with my skill and aesthetics in something that is much more than sum of all parts
úterý 9. dubna 2013
Head opener
Or Haufuthupnari in Old Norse is my newest creation. A single edged sword with H type pommel ornamented in Borre style. I dont want to write here about how and from which materials i created the sword, i would more like to write about the spirit of the piece.
Sword is powerful statement. Its of course a weapon, tool of grim trade but its also a symbol, a beginning of a story or a hero of one. With this one, i wanted to make a true companion, something trustworthy, what is not embelished or ornamented because you want to show of, but as a representation of the relationship of the warrior and his sword. Is it something he was given by his lord as reward? Did he win it in a fight? did it passed from father to son? This is where i aimed, not the stark military sword for interchangeable soldier, not a high class weapon of Jarl made to order after the latest fashion. Somewhere in between, where you fight but still come home and plough your land and brew your beer.
The name represents not only the obvious physiological meaning but also a learning experience for me.
Myles came up gain with great story in this poem
pondělí 18. března 2013
Spring Ring
During winter, i had hard time to write my blog, but i feel it will change with spring coming. The nature is still pretty much chained in icy bonds,
but you can feel warmer days are around the corner. I currently work on big project that i will post about later, but i managed to spare sme free time to carve this little ring.
Its a Dwarven mourning ring, made to commemorate fallen friends and heroes in fierce battles with orcs and dragons. Unlike most of Dwarven made stuff, its made out of organic material - in this case a troll tooth. I think it represents the fact that the forge and furnace are off and without the living flame.
Have the most beautiful spring time and await a new post soon
but you can feel warmer days are around the corner. I currently work on big project that i will post about later, but i managed to spare sme free time to carve this little ring.
Its a Dwarven mourning ring, made to commemorate fallen friends and heroes in fierce battles with orcs and dragons. Unlike most of Dwarven made stuff, its made out of organic material - in this case a troll tooth. I think it represents the fact that the forge and furnace are off and without the living flame.
Have the most beautiful spring time and await a new post soon
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